Pixel 5 vs iPhone 12

Desh Tech
2 min readDec 14, 2020

What is going on everyone today we’re doing an epic comparison of Pixel 5 vs iPhone 12 no doubt two of the most popular devices of 2020 the much anticipated iPhone 12 and the newly designed google pixel 5.

now both of these phones Pixel 5 vs iPhone 12 are interesting as each has gone through somewhat of an overhaul from last year and more importantly these two smartphones sit at the top of the relatively new middle of the market segment that is likely the most appealing to the majority of consumers now you might be on the fence of which phone to go with this year so today I want to compare some of the key features between the iPhone 12 and the pixel 5 to help you decide which phone is better for you.

if you want to stay up to date with all the coolest tech devices and toys make sure to subscribe to the channel so you don’t miss out on anything and a quick question for you guys before I get into all this which one do you prefer the Pixel 5 vs iPhone 12. curious to see which phone gets more love let me know what you guys are thinking in the comments down below okay first let’s talk about the physical design of these phones and it doesn’t take long to see that they’re quite different.

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Desh Tech

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